Return to school at Thunder Bay Catholic board going smoothly


While the reopening of Thunder Bay’s Catholic schools has gone smoothly overall, the board’s director of education says there are still some challenges with online learning.

“It’s difficult in terms of learning,” said Pino Tassone, director of education with the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board. “You have occasional teachers that are teaching, not necessarily the home school teacher. So, I worry about where that can go.”

Tassone added that some students simply do better learning virtually than others, as well.

“As the teachers … become more comfortable, and students become more comfortable, I think we’ll be in a much better place in the virtual school within the next month,” he said.

However, Tassone said he’s very happy with how in-person learning has gone since the board’s schools reopened last week.

“We had a very successful start to the school year in our conventional model, both in the elementary and secondary schools,” he said. “Prior to the week of students coming in, we had three days of training that involved health and safety protocols, remote learning, and mental health.”

“Following that, we had another two days to review our protocols and just adapt to school and classroom environments, and as we brought our students in we had staggered starts,” Tassone said. “Staff felt very comfortable.”

Tassone said students are “extremely happy” to be back to see classmates and teachers.

“We still need some time, obviously,” he said. “I’m very happy with the way our conventional model has been going, and how well it’s been received from our staff, from our students, from our families.”

“I think we’re going to be in good shape, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the school year.”
